Onion Sisters
The open field of the early comics page was certainly fertile ground for those with great imagination, only such an exciting time could have produced the curiosity we're highlighting today, The Onion Sisters! Words fail me on this one, who comes up with this kind of stuff? Apparently an artist by the last name of Nixon, that's who (I know I ask this all the time, but if anyone out there has any info, please share). I'm not sure how long this ran, we only have a handful of strips from late 1904, early 1905. The Onion Sisters are, oddly enough, a couple of anthropomorphic onions who live in a village full of other bizarre vegetable characters. As if that were not enough to take in, these veggies have a hankering for animal flesh! Yikes! And the way the little onion brothers treat Mr. Pumpkin is nothing short of criminal; gotta love their taunts of "don't git mad, Mr. Pumpkin, we're only playing!" If you should ever stumble across this vegetable garden, my advice to you is run as fast as you can. But if you're the adventurous sort who wants to be "It" with the sisters, by all means check out the fun sprouting from our newest archive.
By Nixon