Archive for August 24, 2012

Spotlight on: The Wish Twins!

Recreating the image archive of Barnacle Press was an undertaking, but only represents part of the content that was lost when the site went down; there were also hundreds of blog entries going back to 2005! Since that’s a lot of content to just let slip beneath the waves, we’ll be digging back and reposting previously published material. We’ll start with the very oldest items, so hopefully it’ll be new to you, or an invitation to revisit some features that you missed before.


Here we have another exciting entry from the Gilded Age, The Wish Twins and Aladdin’s Lamp. This strip was the creation of W. O. Wilson and ran weekly from 1904-1907. The twins are two boys, likely around age 10, who just happen to have gained possession of Aladdin’s fabled lamp. With the unlimited power of imagination, our boy heroes wish their way into pirate adventures, encounters with cannibals, and dinners featuring exploding pudding. While I certainly would not cite this strip as an example of the best the still developing artform had to offer, it remains an interesting sample of early 20th Century fantasy.

Cole Closser, Cartoonist

I’m glad that Mr. Cole Closser took a moment to comment on our post a couple of days ago, since it brought his body of work to my attention. I offer it for your consideration as well, confident that fans of the comics offered here at Barnacle Press will find his work similarly delightful.

How the Radium Ray Will End War

How? Apparently by destroying everything…

Lazyest Gallery cannot access Weird Old Stuff/

And, we’re back!

Nefarious forces conspired to lay low your Comic Supplement: babies, malicious folks, torpor… But like a phoenix we rise to bring you the comic strip goods that you deserve, and we’ve taken advantage of the forced downtime to revamp the site, making it more attractive and easier to use than ever! Just follow the “Comic Supplement” link above for access to hundreds of wonderful works by the pioneers of this field we so admire. Navigating from strip to strip has been vastly improved, and there are quite a few new features included in the lineup.

And there’s more to come! Thrillmer and I are rested, invigorated, and ready to bring you more of the stuff you crave. Welcome again to Barnacle Press!

Is this thing on?

If you’re seeing this, don’t panic! It’s just your friendly neighborhood Barnacle Bros getting the band back together.

While you’re welcome to come visit any time, please pardon our dust as we remodel…