We’re giving the You Know Me, Al archive a refresh! We’ve filled the gaps in the beginning of the run: the first seven weeks of the strip are now complete in all their glory. Even better, we’ve refreshed the previously posted strips with better versions…it’s a whole new experience! And if that wasn’t enough, we also have the full first two weeks of Dick Dorgan’s run on the strip. Do yourself a favor and check out the adventures of everybody’s favorite busher, Jack Keefe, out all over again.
Archive for Additions
Improve yourself with Kid-ology!
Remember as a kid when the comics page felt like a place all your own? Wouldn’t it have been so much more fun to have a preachy panel there to remind you to do things like wash your hands or brush your teeth? In verse no less? Thankfully children in the 1920’s had Kid-ology!
Professor Wayupski flies into the archive!
Albert Bloch’s Professor Wayupski ran just three weeks starting May 25, 1902 and we have ‘em all for you! He has to be one of the first comics characters to fly an airship, and maybe the first to fly to the moon? This panel is from a Sunday page dated June 1, 1902 which puts it a few months ahead of the release of Méliès’s Le Voyage dans la Lune. How can this be?? Historians weigh in here please.
New Strip! The Adventures of Johnny Mouse
I can’t put my finger on what, exactly, makes me love this strip like I do. It’s well drawn but not a masterpiece by any stretch, and the jokes are pretty hokey. But I swear, they just get funnier to me, the more I read ’em. I hope I’m not the only one!
Read Johnny’s Adventures here!>
How Do They Do It?
How, indeed? Even though this strip isn’t going to win any prizes for stellar cartooning, I have a soft spot for the cartoon convention where the same punchline is used in every strip. It’s funny more than it isn’t, and it brought home the bacon for John Arnot for a few years, anyway. Check out the full archive for a charming, if low-rent, feature.