Bud 'n' Bub
All the excitement with kids blasting off in search of adventure in their futuristic flying machines brought to mind another strip: Ed Kressy's Bud 'N' Bub (aka The Fact Finders and Their Discoveries)! It's a bit ironic that decades after Admiral Fudge led his rough & tumble crew to the moon and a couple of juvenile delinquents stole an airship for a joy-ride to the stars--in a decade best characterized by the birth of the adventure strip, mind you--that we would come upon the likes of the very tame globe trotting brothers, Bud and Bub. These boys aren't out looking for action, they're looking for a little knowledge of the world; their adventures are adventures in learning with the ever present danger of getting home late to mom always looming. Sure some guys risk their necks to steal moonbeams, and that's well and good, but these brothers would rather soak in a few interesting facts about bells if that's alright with you. Those other strips were the stuff of fantasy, these here are of a decidedly more didactic nature.
From what I can tell, Bud 'N' Bub started out as a rather uninspired kids' humor strip, but was retooled into a more interesting feature. Bud and Bub spend an hour each week aboard the amazing rocket-plane, traveling the world with the professor and pilot Rex (that is if they aren't too busy reading letters about places from readers at home). The professor shares knowledge about any number of topics, say how some cultures viewed the creation of man, while flying the boys to each locale to get a better perspective on what they are hearing. Sometimes their cousin Ann joins in too, and you can be sure that she's going to want to hear about hair; I swear the girl is a bit preoccupied with the subject. I'm not sure if this was Kressy's first work on the comics page, but I can tell you that he went on to work as the first artist on Lone Ranger strip.
By Ed Kressy