Cinderella Suze
Jack Callahan's Cinderella Suze puts a modern spin on a familiar tale. Suze Wiggins is the put-upon little sister, forced to slave away over dirty dishes and soiled linens while the older Wiggins girl, Dottie, is treated like royalty. As their mother is quick to point out, the younger Suze will one day have her turn to taste the good life, but for now it is Dottie's turn as she is the one of marrying age. And boy, does Ma Wiggins care about finding the right mate for Dottie. This being a Cinderella story and all, I don't think I have to tell you who is the sister with all the appeal, fancy duds or not. Callahan has such a great style, I love the line work on display here. Head into the archive and see if this Cinderella doesn't win you over too...
By Jack Callahan