Diary of Snubs, Our Dog
Get ready for cute overload, my friends. Not long ago I praised a strip while writing about Such is Life; this particular outing featured the thoughts of a neighborhood dog as he explained his day. The comics page is the sort of place that hates to waste a good idea, and Paul R. Carmack's Diary of Snubs, Our Dog really runs with this particular one. This is the sort of family strip that could turn to absolute treacle, but I find it to be rather charming and fun. A boy and his dog is pretty standard stuff for the funnies, but this gives it a nice enough spin; I especially like that Snubs refers to Sammy as "the boss" throughout. I've posted some of the earliest strips, as well as a sweet continuity from later in the run, when Snubs morphed into a four panel strip under the direction of Rodgers (first name unknown). It features "the boss" employing an amateur detective kit to solve a neighborhood mystery - with the help of his trusty sidekick Snubs, of course. It starts with this one and continues for two weeks.
By Paul R. Carmack