The Explorigator
One hundred years ago, for just fourteen weeks during the summer of 1908, the world was treated to one of the most imaginative--not to mention stunningly beautiful--Sunday pages to ever grace the newspaper: Harry Grant Dart's The Explorigator! While I wish we had scans of the pages in color, we'll all just have to settle for the whole run in glorious black & white for now. If you haven't seen these before, you are in for a treat. Thrill to the adventures of Admiral Fudge and his crew as they set out to explore the moon in their flying airship, The Explorigator. This is truly the stuff of boyhood fantasy, a group of kids playing dress-up with heads full of danger, ready for some excitement. We have Fudge, the leader, draped appropriately in a uniform seemingly taken straight off Napoleon. There's also Nicholas Nohooks: the captain and second-in-command, Maurice Mizzentop: the navigator, Grenadier Swift (pictured): the British grenadier guard, Detective Rubbersol: the Holmesian sleuth, Teddy Typewriter: the reporter, and Ah Fergetitt: the cook (aka the stereotype). Are you ready to face the dangers of the moon cats? Are you ready to ride the tame watermelons?? Well, steel yourself, it is all waiting for you in The Explorigator archive!
By Harry Grant Dart