We are always happy to come across lesser known efforts from well known creators, and while Charles H. Wellington may not exactly be a household name, he nevertheless held a spot on the comics page for several decades with various iterations of his strip Pa's Son-in-Law. Today we're looking at his short lived title from 1909, The Gimlet Club. While it may sound like an honorary society, induction into the Gimlet Club featured in Wellington's strip is anything but an honor. Membership is by invitation only, reserved for those special bores and blowhards one might see practicing their craft on unsuspecting folks about town. An invite seems like just deserts for some, such as this gentleman who just can't take a hint, but perhaps not punishment enough for others, such as the creepy lady looking for a kiss in this episode. In general the theme of the strip seems a bit too constrictive and perhaps that is why the club didn't stick around for too long.
By Charles H. Wellington