Major Ozone's Fresh Air Crusade
Allow me to introduce a lesser know creation of George Herriman, Major Ozone's Fresh Air Crusade. Major Ozone is a man obsessed with fresh air. He talks about it. He reads whatever he can about it. He's been known to risk his very life for it. And as you may have guessed, all it ever brings him is trouble. There are some neat strips, such as this one where the Major climbs a smokestack only to find himself stuck for the night. And speaking of smokestacks, how about those kids in this strip?
From what I've read, Herriman didn't spend much time on this character, Major Ozone debuted in January of 1904 and ended in July of the same year. Herriman revived it later on for another short run, and it was then carried on by others, most notably Clarence Rigby. One curiosity I found while gathering material was an Herriman page from 1904 reused during Rigby's run with the signature stripped out (as well as obvious recoloring, but that would be a whole lot more interesting if my samples weren't in black & white). From the few we have here, I'd say Rigby does a nice job at capturing the spirit of Herriman's work.
By George Herriman, Clarence Rigby