Modish Mitzi
You may have heard of Thoroughly Modern Millie, but chances are that you haven't heard of the flapper gal we're presenting here. Perhaps it's due to our girl's reticence to fully embrace her modernity, as evinced by the title of her strip. Instead of being thoroughly modern, our titular Mitzi is merely mod-ish.
Sadly, the same wishy-washiness pervades this strip. Is it a fashion column? Is it a comic? Does it have a continuing plot? All of these queries may be answered in the same weakly voiced affirmative. It's a comic, to be sure, but just barely. There are characters involved in the affair, but they're the slightest slips of individuals, serving more as clothes hangers than protagonists.
But here, who am I to kick? Modish Mitzi is, first and foremost, a fashion feature. To look to it for exemplary qualities of comicking is to miss the point.
If you've an interest in flapper fashions, Mitzi is your gal. She's ready to show you the latest in '20s couture, and her creator "Jay V. Jay" provides the kindness of not letting craft or humor get in the way of the runway.
By Jay V. Jay