Outbursts of Everett True
The Outbursts of Everett True may be the comic that most succinctly captures my subconscious thoughts in a bottle.
The setup of the strip is extremely simple, in that wonderful turn-of-the-(last)-century way. In the first panel, Everett is subjected to one of the many common annoyances, indignations, and outrages that are foisted upon each of us daily. In the second, he beats someone up.
And the rest just writes itself, folks! That's a mark of genius, as far as I'm concerned: find a great concept and work it ad infinitum, into myriad variations on a theme. The fun is in the extraordinary variety of both offenses and ways to punish them.
However, Everett isn't generally just running around taking umbrage at petty offenders and then sockin' 'em in the puss. Through the course of the series, he exhibits a very strong ethos that runs through his actions. He stands for decorum and sturdy bedrock values, but he's no reactionary. He's as likely to thrash a cop or a preacher as a blowhard or braggart. And woe betide the man whom Everett True catches mistreating animals or ogling ladies' ankles on a windy day!
For a good "best of" compilation from the first years, see the Published Collection link below. And after you've had your fill of Everett, Condo was a prolific creator, with a lot of work spanning decades. The rabbit hole is here!
By A.D. Condo