Simon Simple
Ed Carey's Simon Simple is a wonderful exemplar of that most delightful comic archetype: the completely insane man, sowing chaos in his wake for no better reason than his own deranged whim. He messes with his father, local police, polite society, and for nothing but his own amusement. Needless to say, I love him. And I'm not alone in my love; Simon ran in papers for seven years in the aughts of the last century, which is an eminently respectable run in those mercurial times. Then, too, you'd have a hard time convincing me that Bill Griffith was unfamiliar with the character, as his Zippy the Pinhead character bears such a strong resemblance to Simon... We have a decent chunk of Simon's seven-year run for you here, today, from June of 1904 through June of 1906. I think you'll enjoy it.
By Ed Carey