Such Is Life
Get ready to make friends with another Buddy, he's the star of the family oriented strip Such is Life. This Buddy is a different animal altogether, not at all the scamp we know in Buddy Tucker. No, this kid is very much a light weight, though I did enjoy the crummy trick he plays on his friend Percival in the March 25, 1925 outing. A nerd taking advantage of an even bigger nerd, such is life indeed! The gags are all pretty much guaranteed to elicit groan after groan (and quite possibly a "huh???" or two), and the art seems mostly like a poor man's Skippy to me. L.F. Van Zelm is the artist for most of these (other newspaper work can be found here); I get the feeling this isn't the height of his cartooning. Charles Sughroe of Mickie the Printer's Devil fame takes over for a couple strips - how much time do you think it took him to whip this episode out? Yikes.
My favorite of these involves a day in the life of a neighborhood dog - not earth shattering by any means, but by far the most creative thing offered up in the strips we've posted. I wish more of these had been like this one. At any rate, if you're ready for some good, squeaky clean fun, head on into the archive and say hello to your new pal, Buddy.
By L.F. Van Zelm, Charles Sughroe