Tweedledum, Tweedledee, and the Other Triplet
Allow me to introduce William F. Marriner's fun-loving trio: Tweedledum, Twedleedee and the Other Triplet. I know, I cringe too when I see a strip that labels the panels one, two, three, four...but just take a moment to look past that. Marriner actually gets some good mileage out of his premise. Sure, the gags aren't exactly breaking new ground, but they do deliver a smile here and there which is a lot more than I can say for other humor strips of the same time period. And even if these don't have you chuckling out loud, it's still worth the price of admission to check out Marriner's artwork. I'm not sure how long this title lasted; I get a sense there aren't a whole lot of these.
By William F. Marriner