Bidding Your Foolish Self Good-Bye


More Patriotic Winsor McCay


Patriotic Winsor McCay


Thimble Theatre January 1920


Continuing from last post, here is a full month’s worth of the early days of Thimble Theatre. Fun stuff!

Thimble Theatre 1919


A reader recently requested some Popeye comics and while I can’t deliver that, I discovered I do have quite a few early Thimble Theatres gathering virtual dust on my hard drive. My memory ain’t what it used to be, but I think I’ve been holding on to these given the opener above is from a Friday, figuring there must be some earlier strips, if only to round out the week. From what I’ve gathered since then, this truly is the start…here then is the world’s introduction to Olive Oyl. As you can see, the initial installments all featured the characters playacting; at some point during the first year it shifts to gags and eventually the characters start having longer continuities and adventures and you-know-who shows up about a decade later asking if we think he’s a cowboy and the rest is history. For now, enjoy these strips from the very beginning of the legendary run and try not to miss the one-eyed sailor.