Easter Eggs


Jiggs visits the library


Happy National Library Week!

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If you haven’t already, make sure to hug your favorite librarian today (and every day this week)

Nobody Loves A Fat Man!


I would say if anything is weighing down poor Hiram Hefty it would be the seemingly never-ending supply of indignities heaped upon him! Welcome to Nobody Loves A Fat Man, a strip that may be over 100 years old, but seems plenty fresh today in the ways it finds to continually punish its main character for the unpardonable sin of being a little overweight. I have not been able to dig up anything else from this Weston, but he or she certainly shows some promise here.

Raising the Curtain on The Big Time!


We’ve been hosting the print’n’play files here on Barnacle Press for a while, now, but I’m happy to announce that now there’s an easier way for you to get your hands on a copy of this vaudeville-themed boardgame, as designed by your faithful comic concierge. It’s being published by Game Salute, and the Kickstarter campaign is live, now!

It’s a really great game, if I’m allowed to say so! It’s accessible enough for families, but there’s enough depth in it to reward serious gamers. And it’s filled to the brim with that wonderful turn-of-the-(last)-century goodness that I know Barnacle Press fans love!

And if the vaudeville theme and fun gameplay wasn’t enough to interest you, there’s the fantastic illustration work, done by Adam Koford. Adam, also known online as Ape Lad, does a great web comic called LOL Cats, in addition to his job drawing pictures for a li’l company called Disney. He’s also done work for American Greetings, Boing Boing, the Daily Show, and MAD Magazine (!!!). Having him bring life to my design is absolutely wonderful; I think y’all’ll dig it!

So check out the Kickstarter page, and if you like what you’re seein’, hop on board!