If your summer vacation was a bit of a bust this year, this one’s for you…
The Short, Sad Existence of Bonehead Bill
Not the tragic fellow we met recently, but a gentleman I feel for just the same – let me introduce you to Jack Callahan’s Bonehead Bill! This one ran only a handful of times, which seems extremely short, but perhaps the public recognized the boneheaded maneuvers of our titular hero Bill as fairly minor gaffes and did not wish to see him further subjected to humiliation. Or perhaps Jack Callahan had other ideas he wanted to explore…who knows?
The Short, Tragic Life of Bill Bonehead
Here we have the sad cautionary tale of Bill Bonehead, a man who trusted capitalists, politicians and preachers only to end up in a pauper’s grave. As far as i know, these are the only three episodes. I know nothing of T.T. Woods, though I do have at least one more cartoon I plan to get up here soon.
The Sad Termination of Mosquito Bill’s Strenuous Career
from Walt McDougall, August 31, 1902.